Thursday, August 23, 2012

DS Chat Pet Peave #1 of NNN: Oloughm

The guy spends every Thursday morning incessantly bitching about whichever one of his shitty players is causing him to be in last place of the $2 PGA GPP. Now don't get me wrong, people should be free to chat about whatever they want within the rules, but an onslaught of garbage like that ruins the experience for the 99.7% of users who are just reading chat for the latest gossip on brettfavre444.

Dial it back a notch or ten, Oloughm.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Dude, I thought you were a little educated - learn how to spell! Seriously! Especially, if you're going to drill someone a new asshole over petty shit!

    It's Pet PEEVE, MORON!

    If any of you are interested in really learning the ways of a true professional sports bettor, who has written 26-books on the topic (which sell readily on, then, feel free to visit my blog @


  4. Come on man. I don't play the $2 game. Not saying I play the $420 games. But I DEF dont do the $2 games.
    This is also true for Friday mornings BTW.

  5. When I say Pet Peave #1 I don't mean you're the worst, just the first I have chosen to address, for what it's worth.

  6. Why would you continue to spell 'pet peeve' incorrectly?

    Here's what I think....

    I think you're a low-level con-man. I think you have multiple accounts, and you're basically playing a ton against yourself - in an effort to win the DS Monthly earnings prize.

    I could be wrong, but I doubt it! Seriously, you don't even have enough sense to correct a simple spelling mistake. You truly believe that 'pet peeve' is spelled 'pet peave', I guess? And in my world, that, makes you an idiot!

    Pet Peeve

  7. antfer is a homo..ur life partner farve
