Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Good Job, Dink


I don't have much to say about his team. We had five of the same guys, and I used two of his other players (Stafford and Cobb) on my other teams, which all crushed in typical bf444 fashion. I did think RG3 was a bad value last week, but he almost outscored two of the QBs I selected by himself, so maybe I just forgot to carry a one somewhere.

$5 buy-in this week, ID: Favre, Password: Dickpix, but fear not, thanks to my strong showing in NFL last week I am going to be able to pay off my bookie and still ball out on DF, so the month in the life of Favre blogumentary will launch on schedule.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Introducing: The Favre Game Of The Week

The major announcements just keep on coming folks. What an exciting time to be a fan of brettfavre444.

Starting now I will be posting one private NFL league, ID: favre, password: dickpix, per week. The person who accepts this game will receive a shout out on the blog and constructive criticism of the lineup they lost to me with the following Tuesday. Buy in amounts will vary from week to week in order to give ballers and bottom feeders an equal chance to share the spotlight.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Announcing: A Month In The Life Of Favre

During the month of November I will be doing a blogumentary of my daily fantasy exploits. I'm not quite sure what it will entail yet. I considered hiring a camera crew to follow me around but only Tuttle would be interested in watching me sit around in my underwear all day, so it will probably just be a daily post detailing my results and general thoughts on the previous day.

And oh ya, if the Detroit Tigers don't win the World Series I'll probably have to withdraw most of my daily fantasy bankroll to pay off some very tough bookmakers, so there is only about a 65% chance of this actually happening.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2,000,000 Credits Poorly Spent

I just bought 23 $109 vouchers from the DS store, and I'm going to use them all on my worst sport, CFB, so that on the 3% chance that I have a good week I can play in even more NFL leagues on Sunday. Grab these $109 games before Max does.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Seek Help

You can learn a lot about other players by observing who plays in playoff leagues and who doesn't. It's very unlikely that you'll have a big edge in games with such limited player pools. The people joining MLB leagues today are sick degenerates.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


After hundreds of blog posts and millions of page views I finally have my first recruit. You're going to do great HIPNHENNY. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or need some pointers.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Let's Get This Jason Witten

I need only 4.28 points out of Jason Witten tonight to flip a handful of match-ups from black to green and complete a truly epic week. Regardless, after 3 weeks of mediocrity in NFL, it appears as though brettfavre444 has solved yet another daily fantasy sport.

Be afraid NFL "experts".

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Sweat Within The Sweat

I love early session DF baseball. Not only do you get to watch the scoreboards all day long, but you also get a nice adrenaline rush as the evening lineups come out and you check to see if the guys you put on your team in the AM are actually playing in the PM.

Plenty of 420s still available at DS this morning, come at me bros.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Price Of Fame

As my legend grows so too does this blog and lately the comments have become overrun with spam. Crushing 4 daily fantasy sports at the same time and life in general takes up most of my time, and I'm not going to spend my free moments doing tedious bullshit, so I'm turning the comment moderation of this site over to my marketing team.

They've been instructed to approve ALL comments, including hateful ones, that aren't spam so you won't be censored. There's just going to be a slight delay between when you submit your comment and when it gets posted. Sorry it had to be this way.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Favre Dives Into Football, Gets Crushed

Over the first 3 weeks of football I have entered hundreds of leagues and probably only cashed in a dozen of them. Considering my track record in DFS the most likely explanation is variance, but there is a non zero chance that we've finally found a sport that Brett isn't the best at. I could cut my losses and stop now, but that's not behavior becoming of a gunslinger. Time to double down, folks.

P.S. Security cameras at The Wynn corroborated the story aka the truth that I told hotel security & the Las Vegas police department and all charges against me have been dropped. Go fuck yourselves LVPD.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Favre Goes To Vegas, Gets Arrested

I can't go into details right now because of the impending legal battle, but this is why I haven't been active in DFS for the last week or so. I was hoping to be in Nevada through Week 1 of NFL but decided to skip town due to the nature of the charges. I'm posting this using In Flight WIFI and have my laptop plugged in underneath my seat in 1st class so should at least be able to set my NFL lineups for leagues beginning tonight.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Favre Gives Up Poaching

For the past few weeks I have been swiping pretty much every game posted in chat, including private ones created specifically to avoid me. My thought process at the time was that to kill Notorious, I had to learn to think like Notorious, but it turns out I am so much better than him that I all need to do is keep swiping his games for another month or two, and he'll surely be broke.

So that's what I'm going to do. Sorry for the disturbance.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

DS Chat Pet Peave #1 of NNN: Oloughm

The guy spends every Thursday morning incessantly bitching about whichever one of his shitty players is causing him to be in last place of the $2 PGA GPP. Now don't get me wrong, people should be free to chat about whatever they want within the rules, but an onslaught of garbage like that ruins the experience for the 99.7% of users who are just reading chat for the latest gossip on brettfavre444.

Dial it back a notch or ten, Oloughm.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Let's Clear Something Up

I do not work for Draft Street; Draft Street works for me. It would be beyond stupid for DS to create their own super users. See: Ultimate Bet. Even having real players as dominant as me is probably bad for business long term as it may discourage people from continuing to play.

There's no conspiracy. You just suck. Step your game up or step aside.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Condia Afraid Of Favre?

Favre posted a batch of high stakes games as soon as the DS NFL games became available. Condia followed suit a few hours later, but did not pick up any of Favre's games. You be the judge.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Advice To Future Favres

Dear future DF all time greats,

Most of the people you take money from on a daily basis aren't going to like you. Shocking, right? But it's true. They'll mock you on the days when your optimal lineups don't play up to expectation, call you a cocks*ucker when they do, and will try to diminish your accomplishments by pointing out that the correlation between the leader boards and net profit isn't necessarily strong.

The only thing you can do is continue being dominant and occasionally blow up at them in chat so that they know you take the internet seriously too.

Best of luck,

The original G.O.A.T.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Half A Gangster

I don't check results below $215 buy ins, so I'm not positive how my war on Notorious has been going, but seeing as how I've been beating everyone else and the dude has resorted to trying to get games filled at 2:30 AM, things must be going well.

Leave DS now, while you still have some money, and never come back, Notorious.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Draft Street Chat Fun Fact

I have been called a cocks*cker 122 times in the 3 months that I have been scraping DS chat in order to check and see what people are saying about me. It ain't easy being brettfavre444.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

You Are All Witnesses

One day you'll tell your grandchildren about the time you played brettfavre444 in daily fantasy. Take a second and cherish the moment while it's here.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Giving DS PGA Back To The People

After going something like 223-6 over the last two weeks I've decided that it is time to give some other people a chance to win, so I'm only going to clog the lobby from $22 buy ins on up this week. Go get that easy PGA money!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm Going To Bust Notorious

I'm sick of him and his teammates hogging all of the low stakes MLB action at Draft Street so I'm going to eat up all of their games and bust them one by one. This will cost me money in the short run as they are better than other people I could be playing at those stakes, but I figure in the end the goodwill it will earn me is worth more than the short term decrease in earnings. No need to thank me.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pro Tip

Make sure you can build a good team with the given salaries before you sign up for thousands of dollars worth of leagues. My 1:05 MLB team today at Draft Street is HORRIFIC by Favreian standards, and if I were playing somebody good I'd have to pay for it. Fortunately I am not.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Follow Brett On Twitter

Self promotion isn't my thing, so this morning I hired a marketing company to take over my previously defunct Twitter account. The goal is to hit 1,000,000 followers before the end of the year, and once we reach that goal we'll be giving out prizes to randomly selected followers so follow me now or risk missing out.

A Math Expert Who Can't Add

If you're going to lie about how much you win at DFS at least make it plausible:

For the week at Draftstreet.com I made +$621.00, and over the L-10 weeks I've made almost 10x that, there
Tuttleshak Draft Street gross earnings by month:

July - $1,806
June - $519
May - $0

The math does not check out folks. Beware of this potential scammer.

H/T to my best (only?) friend in the industry G123 for tipping me off about this story.

Friday, July 27, 2012


This statement makes no sense:

It implies that a) yea_buddy can beat me at daily fantasy golf and b) yea_buddy is trying to build a bankroll by winning at daily fantasy golf. So if he can beat me, why doesn't he just play me right now and build his bankroll that way? I don't get it.

Sup G123

I am:

Monday, July 9, 2012

Press Inquiries

I've been approached more times than I can count over the last few months about doing interviews, podcasts, guest blogs, etc, and while it is flattering, I've had to turn all the requests down due to the exclusive 2 year contract I signed with this blog back in May. So for all things brettfavre444 please keep checking in with this page. Big things are on the horizon.

Friday, July 6, 2012

MLB: So Easy Only 2 People Can Do It

It is great how people posture in chat as if there are not publicly available numbers out there to expose them:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

BrettFavre444: A True American Patriot

With so many haters out there it was nice to finally see someone speak the truth:

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Will Fantasy Golf Even Exist In 2013?

My hypothesis is no. The sport grew a ton early this year on the strength of my rivalry with reachrevolver, but I busted him and nobody has stepped up to fill the void. I'm just too dominant and pretty soon even the biggest of degenerates will be afraid to play me. Anybody know another way to make thousands of dollars per month doing no work whatsoever?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

LOL Diversity Points

So basically Roto Grinders has decided to "reward" the beermakersfan and PrimeTime420s of the world for taking the time to game select across dead sites and take status away from take on all comers nosebleed players such as myself, g123, and hixvillehunk.

And here I thought the idea was to make money as efficiently and quickly as possible. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Favre's #1 Favre's #1

The only thing this really proves is that the formula Roto Grinders uses to rank their players is accurate. Congrats to them.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tough Times For brettfavre444

I came down with alcohol poisoning last Tuesday night and was in the hospital for two days. It should have been my flu game, but the nurses wouldn't let me set my lineups for PGA so I wound up giving away a couple grand.

Just going to have to ship everything this week I guess.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

R.I.P. Chas Croix

I never got the chance to know you, but I'm going to miss taking your money:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Waves Web Design

When you are the best there is no need to praise others, but I've got to tip my cap to Waves Web Design. Denying the great BrettFavre444 back to back first place finishes in the $100 MLB GPP is one hell of a marketing ploy:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Day In The Life

I entered 114 leagues and obviously won them all. It might be exciting if it didn't happen so often.